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在地球上最为活跃的海洋透光层体系中,矿物-微生物交互作用的形式十分丰富。系统采集了黄海近海透光层水体样品,测试分析发现其中分布大量悬浮半导体矿物及微生物群落。通过电感耦合等离子质谱仪(ICP-MS)、环境扫描电子显微镜(ESEM)及配有的EDX能谱仪,从宏观到微区对悬浮颗粒矿物的化学元素组成进行了测试分析,发现其主要矿物组成元素为Si、O、Na、K、Ca、Al等,且含有较高含量的Mn、Fe、Ti等金属元素;通过X射线衍射光谱(XRD)、拉曼光谱(Raman)测试从整体到局部分析悬浮颗粒矿物的物相组成,发现其主要组成矿物为石英、钠长石、方解石、云母和绿泥石等,还有锐钛矿、金红石、板钛矿、针铁矿等铁、钛金属氧化物半导体矿物。通过16S rRNA高通量测序分析海水中主要微生物群落为Proteobacteria、Actinobacteria、Bacteroidetes、Planctomycetes、Woeseia、Fluviicola等,并通过构建双室反应体系对海水微生物与悬浮矿物间氧化还原作用及胞外电子传递过程进行了表征,结果显示增加海水悬浮矿物作为电子受体后,体系开路电压由330. 80 mV提升至426. 59 mV,提升比率达130%,最大输出功率由8. 376 9 mW/m^2提升至12. 096 8 mW/m^2,为原体系的1. 44倍。实验研究表明,海水透光层悬浮矿物能有效参与并促进微生物胞外电子传递过程,为后续深入研究基于电子能量传递利用的半导体矿物-微生物协同作用以及元素循环调控机制奠定初步基础。  相似文献   
华北克拉通在中奥陶世至晚石炭世期间一直出露地表,经历了长期的风化作用,形成大规模的铁-铝黏土矿,其成矿物源一直是研究的热点,尤其是本溪组底部铁矿和铁质黏土矿与上部铝黏土矿是否为同一来源尚未查清。本研究选取克拉通南缘大安铝黏土矿床作为研究对象,展开微区矿物及元素地球化学组成分析,进一步探讨铁-铝黏土矿物质来源。大安矿床内含矿岩系自下而上包括铁质黏土岩、铝土矿、铝质黏土矿;局部喀斯特高地缺失铝土矿,铝质黏土矿直接覆盖于铁质黏土岩之上。铁质黏土岩在洼地以菱铁矿、黄铁矿和伊利石为主,在隆起区以赤铁矿、伊利石和高岭石为主。铝土矿以硬水铝石、伊利石和锐钛矿为主;铝质黏土矿主要矿物为伊利石。矿物微区分析在黏土矿底部发现大量的碳化硅和少量自然硅、硅铁矿、铬铁矿;区域对比揭示北秦岭造山带内商丹缝合带和二郎坪群中的蛇绿岩为铝黏土矿形成提供了成矿物质。本溪组底部铁质黏土与上部铝黏土矿稳定元素比率(例如Zr/TiO2、Hf/TiO2、Nb/TiO2、Ta/TiO2)存在明显差异,揭示二者为不同来源: 底部铁质黏土岩和铁矿层为底板碳酸盐岩原地风化的产物;而上部铝黏土矿是异地搬运物,北秦岭造山带在晚石炭世的整体抬升为华北铝黏土矿形成提供了重要的成矿物质。  相似文献   
抛弃式探头由无人机装载,能够在较远目标区域和危险海域开展海洋水文环境剖面参数的测量。通过安装不同传感器,可以实现对温度、盐度的剖面测量,其深度的测量采用数学方法计算得到。针对双摄像机水箱实验获得的5个不同攻角实验结果,分析了常用的运动目标的检测方法,最终选择基于连续帧间差分法,确定探头的三维坐标位置,进而得到探头下沉运动的三维运动轨迹和速度曲线等信息。探头从水面释放后攻角在下沉过程中不断调整,改变运动姿态,同时伴随自身的旋转,抵消水平方向阻力作用,初始攻角产生的深度测量误差主要体现在加速过程,探头达到匀速运动后测量误差不变,在不考虑横流的情况下,探头最后以匀速垂直下落运动。  相似文献   
关键金属元素分析测试技术方法应用进展   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
以稀有、稀散、稀土、铂族元素为主体的战略性关键金属矿产资源,在新材料、新能源和信息技术等新兴产业中发挥着越来越关键的作用。随着我国关键矿产资源地质调查的不断深入,关键金属元素以其赋存基体复杂、不同矿物含量差异大、化学性质不稳定等特点对分析测试技术提出了新的挑战。本文根据化学组成不同,对关键金属元素主要赋存基体进行了分类,主要分为硅酸盐、碳酸盐、硫酸盐、钨酸盐、磷酸盐、氧化物、硫化物、卤化物等。对于不同的基体岩石矿物,通常采用酸溶法(硝酸-氢氟酸组合、王水)或碱熔法等传统溶样方法进行化学消解。评述了当前关键金属元素测试常用的电子探针、电感耦合等离子体质谱、电感耦合等离子体发射光谱、X射线荧光光谱等仪器的特点及应用,总结了关键金属元素分析过程中出现的样品难溶解、回收率不完全、测试过程氧化物和同质异位素干扰、样品和标准基体不一致等常见问题,并提出了相应的解决方案。微区原位分析凭借其高效率、低成本、高空间分辨率的优势,以及野外现场分析凭借其简单快速、贴近野外工作的特点是关键金属元素测试技术发展的主要趋势。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地上三叠统延长组长7油层组的黑色泥岩、油页岩等黑色生油岩薄片中的生烃母质,因黑色石油、沥青等黑色有机质的覆盖或不透明,导致其在偏光显微镜透射光系统下观察常局部或整体呈现为黑色。因此,建立一种黑色生油岩薄片中生烃母质有效观察的方法,对致密油、页岩油的生烃研究具有重要的理论和实际意义。本文提出了一种利用电子探针薄片和偏光显微镜的反射光系统观察黑色生油岩中生烃母质特征的方法。该方法能够克服黑色生油岩薄片中生烃母质因被黑色有机质覆盖或不透明,而在偏光显微镜的透射光系统下局部或整体呈黑色的弊端,能够对生烃母质的大小、形态、结构、分布和物质成分等特征进行整体且清晰的观察。实践表明,本文提出的利用偏光显微镜反射光系统观察黑色生油岩电子探针薄片中生烃母质特征的方法,简单有效,易在致密油、页岩油的生烃研究领域推广使用。  相似文献   
平端深海偏顶蛤(Gigantidasplatifrons)是南海台西南冷泉区的典型优势物种,鳃丝上皮细胞内共生大量甲烷氧化菌,通过甲烷有氧氧化合成有机物为共生体系提供物质能量,是平端深海偏顶蛤赖以生存的重要能量来源器官,溶酶体在共生体系的营养互作和稳态维持中可能发挥重要作用,本研究使用电镜技术观测了常压培养过程中(0d,30d,90d)平端深海偏顶蛤共生体系中共生菌和溶酶体的动态变化,通过鳃上皮含菌细胞超显微结构的变化研究常压培养对深海共生体系的影响,并探讨溶酶体在宿主—共生菌营养传递和共生菌群稳态维持中的关键作用。研究发现,在原位状态样品中(0d)共生菌和溶酶体呈极化分布,细胞结构完整清晰;蓄养30d后,含菌细胞出现明显破碎,共生菌数量大幅降低,溶酶体数量、范围和消化程度大幅增加,对细胞顶端的甲烷氧化菌进行分解;而90d后,共生菌在溶酶体的作用下消失殆尽,鳃部有明显细胞脱落后留下的坑洞,细胞呈现空泡状,无法明确区分各种细胞组分。上述结果展示了长期常压蓄养过程中鳃上皮含菌细胞中溶酶体与甲烷氧化菌的动态变化,推测当共生菌丢失后溶酶体也同步降低活跃度,平端深海偏顶蛤在共生互作中通过溶酶体主导消化和调控共生菌。  相似文献   
针对国内海上风电基础设计没有统一的规范及标准,为提升海上风电基础设计建设的水平,通过对东南沿海某海域海上风电基础的设计进行了有限元计算分析论证,验证了群桩高承台结构设计方案的设计方法和设计参数。分析结果表明该设计的最大应力主要发生在塔筒底座与承台接触部位及钢管桩与承台连接段,应在连接部位加强措施处理;基础竖直位移较小,水平位移相对较大;分界部位应力较集中,刚度不能顺畅过渡,可考虑填充碎石土等方法加强。本研究对海上风电基础设计技术的研究与探索,可为将来制定中国海上风电行业标准提供可靠的依据,对中国未来大批量的海上风电能源的开发有着重要意义。  相似文献   
Residual and movable porosity are significant parameters for characterising petrophysical properties, especially in tight reservoirs. Eight tight sandstone samples from the upper Paleozoic gas-bearing strata in the Kangning area, from the eastern margin of the Ordos Basin, were analysed using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), petrography, and porosity and permeability tests. The lithology and pore types were identified and classified using petrography and SEM. The residual and movable porosity were obtained with NMR. In addition, NMR was used to visualise pore structure and pore size distribution. The results suggest that the upper Paleozoic sandstones in the study area mainly comprise feldspathic litharenite and litharenite. The sandstone porosity and permeability are low, with means of 5.9% and 0.549 mD, respectively. Four pore types exist in the tight sandstones: residual primary pores, grain dissolution pores, micropores (clay-dominated) and microfractures. The T2 spectra under water-saturated conditions correlate with pore size and can be used to distinguish small and large pores based on the transverse relaxation time cutoff value of 10 ms, which corresponds to a pore diameter of 0.232 μm. Small pores account for 72% of the pores in the tight sandstones. The continuous bimodal T2 spectra suggest good connectivity between small and large pores, despite the low porosity and permeability. In this study, the movable porosity of the major tight sandstone gas reservoirs is higher than the residual porosity, which confirms the effective evaluation of movable porosity to tight sandstone reservoirs, based on NMR experiments.  相似文献   
《Resource Geology》2018,68(3):303-325
The Lujing uranium deposit, located in the southeastern part of the Nanling metallogenic province, is one of the representative granite‐related hydrothermal uranium deposits in South China. Basic geology, geochemistry, and geochronology of the deposit have been extensively studied. However, there is still a chronic lack of systematic research on the genesis and metallogenic process of the deposit. Thus, we recently carried out an electron microprobe and stable isotopic analysis. The main research results and progresses are as follows: Uranium minerals in this deposit include coffinite, pitchblende, and uranothorite, and small amounts of uranium exist in accessory minerals in the form of isomorphism. Coffinite, which occurs predominantly as the pseudomorphs after pitchblende, also occurs as a primary mineral and is locally formed from the remobilization of uranium from adjacent uranium‐bearing minerals. The mineralizing fluid was originally composed of a magmatic fluid generated by late Yanshanian magmatism. The high As content of pyrite in ores may reflect the addition of meteoric water, or the formation water (or both), to the magmatic hydrothermal system. The δ34S values vary from −14.4‰ to 13.9‰ (mean δ34S = −3.9‰), showing a range that is similar to nearby Cambrian metamorphic strata and Indosinian granites, indicating that these host rocks represent the source of sulfur; however, the possibility of a mantle source cannot be completely ruled out. According to our new isotopic data and recent Pb isotopic data, we conclude that the uranium in ores was derived by leaching dominantly from the uranium‐rich host rocks, especially the Cambrian metamorphic strata. The δ13CPDB values (−8.75‰ to 1.40‰; mean δ13CPDB = −5.41‰) and δ18OSMOW values (5.45–18.62‰; mean δ18O = 13.02‰) of reddish calcite from the ore‐forming stage suggest that the CO2 in the mineralizing fluids was derived predominantly from the mantle, with a small component contributed by marine carbonates. Based on these new data and previous research results, this paper proposes that uranium metallogenesis in the Lujing deposit is closely associated with mafic magmatism resulting from crustal extension during the Cretaceous to Paleogene in South China.  相似文献   
Atom probe microscopy (APM) is a relatively new in situ tool for measuring isotope fractions from nanoscale volumes (< 0.01 μm3). We calculate the theoretical detectable difference of an isotope ratio measurement result from APM using counting statistics of a hypothetical data set to be ± 4δ or 0.4% (2s). However, challenges associated with APM measurements (e.g., peak ranging, hydride formation and isobaric interferences), result in larger uncertainties if not properly accounted for. We evaluate these factors for Re‐Os isotope ratio measurements by comparing APM and negative thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (N‐TIMS) measurement results of pure Os, pure Re, and two synthetic Re‐Os‐bearing alloys from Schwander et al. (2015, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 50, 893) [the original metal alloy (HSE) and alloys produced by heating HSE within silicate liquid (SYN)]. From this, we propose a current best practice for APM Re‐Os isotope ratio measurements. Using this refined approach, mean APM and N‐TIMS 187Os/189Os measurement results agree within 0.05% and 2s (pure Os), 0.6–2% and 2s (SYN) and 5–10% (HSE). The good agreement of N‐TIMS and APM 187Os/189Os measurements confirms that APM can extract robust isotope ratios. Therefore, this approach permits nanoscale isotope measurements of Os‐bearing alloys using the Re‐Os geochronometer that could not be measured by conventional measurement principles.  相似文献   
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